School traditions

Free uniform days

On the last Friday of the month, the Free uniform day takes place in the School. The theme of each such day is determined by the members of the student's self-government.


Our student’s Birthday is a holiday for us all!

We congratulate him/her with a slide card with a photo on the big screen in the central hall. So everyone knows who to greet. For greeting slides we use photos from the card-pass. If you or your child want a different photo on the slide, please send the desired photo by e-mail to the school's designer:, indicating the name and class in which the child studies..

On the occasion of the pupil's birthday, a delicious charlotte is baked in the dining room for the whole class. Please do not give other sweets through the child to the School. If you want to celebrate the birthday of a child out of the School and invite his/her school friends, please do it at your leisure time.

If your child is absent in the School in his/her Birthday, please warn us in advance.

Big screen

On the big screen in the central hall of the School we congratulate students on their birthdays, share their educational, creative, sport achievements, and also announce important school news.

Teachers’ greetings

If your child wishes to congratulate the teacher or express appreciation, you can give flowers, hand-made or sweets only. The corporate etiquette of Novopecherska School suggests that our teachers can not accept alcohol, money, and valuables as a gift.

We draw your attention to the fact that it is very important to follow the School policy on congratulations.

Fundraising for additional greetings may not be obligatory and should not take place at the School.

Photo and video

Shooting in the School is possible only outside the educational process (after 18:00 or during the weekend) and at open school events.

If you would like to invite a photographer or operator to School, you must obtain permission from your child's class teacher or receptionist.

School's Birthday and Graduate's Day

On April 1 Novopecherska school celebrates its birthday. We all gather together and remember why do we love it so much. Students prepare works, videos,writings and poems for the celebration.

On the same day, we invite our graduates to visit us, drink tea together and find out how does their student life go.

Performing the Anthem of Ukraine

Every Monday before the first lesson we gather in the School corridors and perform the anthem of Ukraine.

Leadership Day

Leadership Day is a special event that takes place in Novopecherska school twice a year, and which we all, from students to administration, are preparing together. Each student can join the common cause, show him/herself and his/her leadership qualities, demonstrate initiative and inspire him/herself to others' new achievements by his/her own example. This is a very important day, which the whole School is preparing long and carefully. Every Leadership Day has a special theme and every time a different form.

All students and employees of Novopecherska school are familiar with the Leader in Me program. We are sure that if everyone is guided by Seven habits, we will all come to synergy.

We create the habits of highly effective peoplein ourselves and use it for effective cooperation every day. And on Leadership Day we have an opportunity to demonstrate our synergy.


The W5H is an intellectual tournament that came to us from Canada. The tournament is held in English and second foreign language.

The tournament has received its title from 5 questions starting with the letters W (Who? What? When? Where? Why?) And H (How?). Participants answer questions from a variety of subjects, focusing on their relationship to the whole world, and use their own erudition in practice. And, of course, they improve the knowledge of foreign languages, especially their oral language.

The tournament starts with long practice and ends with a day-long game. We also invite parents to the participants awarding.

Tourists' Gathering

On the day of the Tourists' Gathering, the whole School goes to a sports base, where children take part in various competitions, focused on sports and tourist training.

First Bell and Play Day

On September 1 we all meet after the summer holidays: we listen to the greetings of the Director of the School, we welcome the students of the 1 grade and future graduates, meet new teachers, find out new subjects and electives.

The last day of the school year is Play Day. This is a joyous and interesting summer meeting in a creative atmosphere. Children choose fun classes in the school yard: they play outdoor and intellectual games, do pottery, paint, dance and read.

Farewell to graduates

The day before the last school day, the whole School congratulates graduates on the completion of their school life. Students of 11th grade walk through the corridors of the School, listen to the wishes of their younger friends and the words of teachers. In memory of themselves children plant a tree in the yard, and then eat a delicious cake with a tea while communicating with the director of the School.

Environmental awareness policy

We care about our environmental footprint, so we all try to reduce our negative impact on the environment. We abandon the tradition of balloon release, we also replace plastic straws with paper ones, collect waste paper and discharged batteries. We urge our students and parents to support us in this initiative and take care of the environment outside the School.